Thursday, June 16, 2011

Gavin is 4 Months Old

Wow, time sure flies with a baby.  Gavin is already 4 months old.  It is so much fun to watch them grow and start to explore the world around them.  Our little guy can be slightly challenging.  He loves to be held and interacted with while he is awake.  He is not a fan of us leaving him alone if we have to help Kaitlyn with something.  Nate's usual line is "Don't wake the Monster." 
Does he look like a monster?  I don't think so. 

Gavin's 4 months Stats are:
Height - 24 1/2" - 50%
Weight - 15.2 lbs. - 50%
Head - 16 1/2" - 50%
* The nurse had to re-check all her numbers to make sure he was at the 50th percentile for each measurement.
Happy Boy!
Gavin and Kaitlyn!
Brother and Sister!

He is really starting to interact with us.  He loves watching his big sister.  She is always busy doing something.  He loves to baby talk and smile.  He is starting to stick out is tongue if we are sticking out our tongues.  He loves to hold onto blankets and small objects.  He is amazed that they move when his hands move.  Nana is convinced that he can say "Hi".  He also giggles when you sneeze or make funny noises.  (I personally haven't heard this, but I have been told by Nana and Grandma that he does.)

A few weeks ago we had to talk Gavin into the doctor.  We found out that he has acid reflux.  He handles it pretty well with Zantac, but I can still tell when it bothers him.  We are hoping he grows out of this, but his daddy has had acid reflux for a long time. 

Even though our little guy can be challenging during the day, but he is an awesome sleeper.  (knock on wood).  He usually goes to bed around 9:30 and wakes up to eat around 6:30 or later.  So, that makes for a very happy mommy in the morning.
Kaitlyn still likes having a little brother, but has started to act out more.  I think she is realizing that Gavin is starting to interact more and take more attention away.

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