Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Trolley Ride with Lily

Kaitlyn and mommy met up with our good friend Lindsey and her daughter Lily in Excelsior.  Kaitlyn was so excited because we were suppose to go on this trolley ride the week before, but because of the weather it was postponed to today.  We rode the trolley and heard Nancy Carlson read her story books.  It was fun to have an evening of mommy and daughter time.
Kaitlyn excited for the Trolley ride.

Kaitlyn on the Trolley!

Lily and Kaitlyn showing us their signed books.  It was hard to get both girls to cooperate in the picture.

Kaitlyn and Mommy with the conductor.

Kaitlyn and Mommy!

Kaitlyn's new favorite book is "I Like Me".  Every morning... we now have to say.  "Hi, Good Lookin!" since that is what they say in the book.

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