Friday, October 07, 2011

Kaitlyn's Swimming Lessions

The past year and half we have tried 3 different swimming lesson locations.

In the summer of 2010 Kaitlyn and I did a parent and child swimming class through the Red Cross at the W/M high school.  It went okay.  Kaitlyn wasn't a big fan of the cooler water.  (Either was mommy.)  I decided Kaitlyn needed to start getting used to water getting on her face and dunked her under the water after she jumped off the edge of the pool into my arms.  (Not such a good idea - she refused to jump in after that.)  We learned another lesson... when Kaitlyn decided she wanted to take extra long baths we told her that when her fingers get pruny that it means she is done taking a bath... well she used this trick while at swimming lessons.  "Look mommy, my fingers are pruny... I guess that means we are done." 

Last winter we tried Safari Island swimming lessons.  Here the lessons were taught in a zero-entry pool with no need for a parent to be in the water.  The class sizes were small (3-4 kids each).  The first time she did pretty good.  Each lesson there after got worse.  We tried everything from bribery (candy, ice cream, etc.), stern discussions with privileges taken away, and numerous other tactics.  Nothing worked.  She spent most of the time on the edge of the pool shaking her head when the instructor asked her to get in the pool to do an activity.

So, this summer Nate and I decided to try Foss.  We had heard wonderful things about Foss Swim School.  Yes, it is a lot more expensive, but worth every penny if they can get our little "princess" to swim.  (A necessity if you live in MN and own a boat.)  We started her in a 4 week Swim camp to see if she would like it.  And....

She loves it!!!!

These are pictures from the swim camp with her instructor Katie.  Kaitlyn listened and did most of what was asked.  She wasn't a big fan of getting water on her face at first, but now she will put her whole face in the water.  We love Foss and recommend it to any family.  They work miracles. 

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