Sunday, October 16, 2011

Gavin 8 Months

Gavin is growing like a weed.  He is already in 12 month clothes and has graduated from the infant car seat.  He also loves his rice and oatmeal cereal.  He seems to like all the foods we have tried.  His least favorite is peas.  He usually gags at the taste unless we mix it into the rice cereal.  He also has figured out how to roll around the floor to get things.  He hasn't mastered the exact way to roll to an object, but he eventually gets there.  He also loves to sit up by himself.  A few times mom didn't make sure all hard objects were out of the way if he tipped over.  Mom learned her lesson very quickly after that. 

So Big!

I can sit up all by myself.  We noticed that with Gavin's new found freedom he is much more content. 

I am so cute!

I can do it all by myself!

Kaitlyn and Gavin. 

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