Sunday, July 14, 2013

Waverly Days!

We spent another weekend in Waverly to enjoy all the festivities that Waverly Days has to offer.  We watched fireworks on Friday from the Eggiman's beach.  Saturday was full of a 5K, softball, and a band.  Sunday we watched a parade and played in the waterball tournament.

Aimee and I started the day running the Cannonball 5K.  This was my first 5K.  I ran the first mile and than did a run/walk for the remaining 2.2 miles.  I didn't have a very fast time, but came in at 37.10 minutes.  I am still proud of myself for finishing!

The kids enjoying a snow cone and watching their dad's play softball.

Kiddie parade!

Kaitlyn wasn't very excited about my picture taking!

Getting ready to walk in the kiddie parade.
After a long day at the park on Saturday... Ashlynn and Gavin were ready to go home.
Pretending to sleep after a long day.

Kaitlyn enjoying some ice cream after a long hot day!

Gavin and his ice cream cone.

A funny story that we weren't able to capture in a photo:

Kaylee and Kaitlyn enjoyed a swim in the lake in their clothes after being told not to get wet.  We told the girls that they may need to walk or swim home because they couldn't ride in the truck in wet clothes.  Kaitlyn seemed pretty concerned about this and stated that it was too far to walk or swim and thought of a great plan.  Someone drives to Aimee and Steve's to get the boat and then they could ride in the boat home.  Not a bad idea for a almost 6 year old.  After a few hours of them sitting in wet clothes at dusk, we ran home and got them some dry clothes to change into.  Hopefully the girls learned to listen to their parents!

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