Sunday, July 07, 2013

McEggiman's 4th of July Weekend

I can't believe the 4th of July is already over... Summer seemed to take forever to get here and now it feels like it is going way to fast!  Maybe summer will last longer this year since it came so late.  One could only hope. 

We headed over to the Eggiman's on Wednesday... we brought our camper and boat and set-up camp in their driveway!  (Thank you Steve and Aimee for allowing us to invade your home for the long weekend.)

Here is our Holiday weekend in pictures....
On the 4th we headed over to Aunty Linda and Uncle Paul's house for the 2nd annual Lindquist 4th of July celebration!

Kaitlyn and Daddy on the Jet Ski

Gavin and Gibson.  Gavin was not interested in having is picture taken.

All the cousin's!

Oldest to youngest!

All the cousins with significant others and some children.

The guys trying to enjoy an adult beverage.  I guess this is what happens when you have kids.

Kaitlyn and Kaylee

Celebrating Jan's (Aimee's mom's birthday) on the 4th!


Time for some birthday party games!

After the first hit the pinata had to stay on the ground since it broke. 

Gavin's turn!

Kaitlyn taking a turn!

All the kids on the 4th!

Sparkler Time!

Best Friends!

Gavin in the rented "hot/cold" tub!

Cody even enjoyed some time in the water over the 4th!

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