Saturday, August 17, 2013

Kamp Dels Vacation Part 2

Kamp Dels is a great campground to spend a weeks vacation.  There is always something to do.  Unfortunately, on Wednesday morning Kaitlyn came down with what we thought was Strep.  Nate ended up having to go back home to do some work so he took Kaitlyn with him to get checked out.  Her Strep test came back negative, so we just knew we had to wait it out.  We were hoping it would only last a day or two.
Kaitlyn normally sleeps on the top bunk in the back bedroom of the camper, but since she was sick she got to sleep on the couch with Cody.
Our annual family picture!  Thank you to Sara Lueth for taking these for us!

Our friends Dann, Sara, Liesel, and Ingrid came to hang out for a few days during our vacation.  It was fun to hang out at the pool and camp fire!

Kaitlyn, Liesel, and Gavin hanging out by the fire.

Kamp Dels has a great waterpark and pool with diving boards.  We spent time here everyday!

"What Mom?"

Jumping from the big diving board!

Swimming Lessons at Foss are really starting to pay off now!

Teaching Kaitlyn to dive!

This was the only time she would let Daddy help her.  I guess we will keep practicing!

Last year when we were getting ready to leave we biked around the campground in search for the perfect campsite for next years vacation.  We picked campsite number 211 because it was big and had descent shade during the day. 

 Our view of the lake when siting by the fire.

Gavin helping Daddy start the campfire!

Our campfire!

We had a great vacation even with the little virus that plagued our family for a few days!  We can't wait for next year!

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