Sunday, August 25, 2013

Kaitlyn's 6th Birthday Party

How can my little girl be 6 years old already?  The saying the days are long, but the years are short is so true!  I also can't believe she is starting first grade in a few weeks!

Kaitlyn's Birthday party this year was a pool party!  I was a little nervous that we wouldn't have warm enough weather for a pool party and that the pool would be too cold!  Well, I was wrong... The entire week before her party the temps were in the nineties and her actual party was 95 degrees with 70% humidity.  Perfect pool weather if you ask me.

We even had a little pool for the younger crowd.

Kaitlyn and Ashlynn.. wish I had better lighting for this one!

Kaitlyn's new boots from Grandma and Grandpa McNeilly

I made this cake and was pretty impressed with myself since I am not a baker.  Jennifer Jackson did give me a great tip for next time!

Her new scooter she was asking for.  Thank you Aunty Anny, Uncle Randy, and Brady!

Her new outfit to match her American Girl Doll Outfit!

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