Friday, October 31, 2014


Gavin kept asking me "When is Halloween Day?"  Well, the day finally came.  Gavin choose to be a fire fighter and Kaitlyn was Elsa.  We headed to Waverly for some trick or treating.
Gavin not wanting his picture taken.

Really Mom?

Okay - much better!

Cute Savannah as Olaf

Brandon photo bombing the picture!

Kaitlyn and Savannah

It was a little chaotic so I didn't get any pictures of all the kids.  Ugh!  Next year.

Here is one with Kaylee, Ashlynn, Brayden, and Kaitlyn

Saturday night was ADULTS only party at our friends Brent and Alicia.  Friday during lunch I thought of Nate and I costume!  I actually found everything at Target right after work.  Perfect!

80's Work Out!

Aimee and Steve doing a Saturday Night Live Skit

The men showing off their outfits

The Ladies!

Aimee, Angie, and I enjoying the party.

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