Thursday, December 25, 2014

Christmas Eve (After party) and Christmas Day

Santa came Christmas morning.  Gavin was so excited that he started opening his stocking and gifts before the rest of us got downstairs.
Cookies, milk, and carrots for Santa and the reindeer!  The cookies were fresh out of the oven too.

and the stockings were hung.....

My dad got both kids tent beds.  (My sister and I got tent beds for Christmas one year when we were younger so it was fun for my kids to have the same memory.)

Kaitlyn's princess Castle

Ready for bed and for Santa to come.

Snuggled in her new sleeping bag too.
Sorry for the blurry picture, but it's hard to have them sit still when Santa came.

We had no snow for Christmas and the weather was beautiful.  We headed outside to burn some boxes and enjoy the nice weather.

Bonfire on Christmas - doesn't happen often.

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