Sunday, August 30, 2015

Full Moon

My mom loved the moon.  She always would say... hey did you see my moon?  Kaitlyn and Gavin would refer to the moon as Nana's moon.  Well... guess what... my mom died on a Full Moon.  She probably had this all planned out.  She didn't want ALS to make the decisions ... she did.  Looking back I am pretty sure my mom planned when she was going to die.  She knew that if she didn't use her machines things would happen more quickly.

After my mom died... I wasn't sure what to do for the rest of the day.  I knew I needed to be with my family so we headed to the camper.  As we were sitting outside at the campfire I rec'd a text from my Aunt saying... Carol's moon is full in Texas. 
Here is the picture from my aunt.

I was blown away that it was a full moon.  I laughed and cried as I knew my mom had this all planned out.  She liked to surprise us.  So I called all my friends who had nice cameras to see if they could take a picture of the moon.  One of friends did and the picture at the top is the actual moon that night.  Amazing!!!  And my best friend Aimee made the sign for her memorial service.

We had always told my mom to send us signs once she was in heaven.  (Except not at night as my sister would get too scared.)  We always laughed at that.... well.. she sent us a sign that night but didn't notice it right away.  I took the picture above that my aunt sent me and just saved it to my photos on my phone... and I uploaded it to Facebook.  The next day someone has commented about my picture that they saw a cross.  So, I looked on my post and sure enough there was a cross.  Crazy!  Mom wanted to let us know she made it to Heaven and used Facebook to let us know.

Now every time I see the moon I know my mom is watching out for us.  I love and miss you so much!

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