Thursday, March 26, 2015

McEggiman Florida Spring Break - Take 2

The Eggiman's invited us to join them on their Spring Break to Florida again this year.  We decided that driving would be the cheapest again.  We headed on Thursday afternoon with 6 adults (Aimee, Steve, Cory, Kendra, Nate, and Nikki) and 6 kids (Brayden, Kaitlyn, Kaylee, Milan, Ashlynn, and Gavin) in our truck and Eggiman's Explorer.

We drove all night and the kids did awesome.  Kaylee rode with us since the Explorer was full.  
Kaitlyn, Kaylee, and Gavin - middle of somewhere!

We made it in record time.  We only stopped for gas and bathroom breaks.  We packed meals to eat at rest stops which was a nice time to get out and stretch our legs.

We drove all night and arrived in Homassa, Florida around dinner time.  The weather was perfect!  Warm and Sunny!   The first thing we did was jump in the pool and have some cocktails.  A perfect time to relax after a long 24 hours in the truck!

Than Aimee, Kendra, and I headed to Walmart to stock up on food and supplies for the week.
We had to fold the back seat down to feed all the groceries and supplies in.

Our official first day in Florida we headed off to the flea market and our favorite hole-in-the-wall fresh seafood - The Freezer.
The guys were going to take a picture with the sexy pirate statue, but than the kids thought they should be in the picture too.

Mike and Steve matching white shirts.

Malan, Kaitlyn, and Gavin

Partial group photo at the freezer.

Fresh Shrimp.  So Yummy!

Grandpa Mike signing to the kids before bed.

Cory got a little too excited and broke his chair.

"Did that just happen?"

Full Day # 2 started out with a fun Cardo Cards workout by the pool and than some swimming!

Malan getting comfortable with the water.


Later that day we headed to the beach... for some sun, sand, and salt water.

Gavin taking a quick nap before we got to the beach.

Nikki and Kendra!

The whole crew from Minnesota!

A seagull pooped on my shoulder and shirt.

Kaylee - mini me (Aimee)

We took a walk to the pier for some pictures.

The cute girls!

The boys trying to ruin the picture of the girls.

The ladies!

All the girls.  Thanks Brayden and Gavin for taking the picture.

Day 3 we headed to Clearwater Marine and Beach.  We were excited spend the day being tourists during spring break.  Our first stop of the day was to meet Winter the dolphin.  We had watched the movies so we were excited to see everything in person.  The Marine has 2 areas.  First part we visited was the educational building that housed a hurricane experience, props and sets from the Movies, and other fun activities. 

The girls!  Ashlynn, Kaitlyn, and Kaylee

The Boys!  Gavin and Brayden.



Brayden loved this statue of Winter.
The whole group!  The McEggiman's!  

After we were done exploring the first part of the Marine we took a trolley to the actual Marina by the Ocean.  It is a working animal hospital and where Winter and Hope live.

Aimee and Brayden on the Trolley.

Steve and Nikki on the Trolley


Nikki and Nate

All kids enjoying the Marina.

Matching Fire Shirts!  They must be tourists.

Steve and Ashlynn on the trolley back to our cars.

After we spent the morning at Clearwater Marine we headed to Clearwater Beach to enjoy some Ocean, Sand, and Sun.  
Lots of other people wanted to hang out at the beach too.

After searching for over 30 minutes we found two parking spots so we could enjoy the nice weather.

Aimee and I ended up taking ALL the kids on a walk down the beach and when we came back this is how we found the guys.  

Brayden and Nikki Selfie!

Hard to see, but the kids are all on-top of this sign.

We walked and found a place to eat. After waiting over an hour for our pizza (they forgot to put our order in.) we ate and than found some ice cream.  Yum!

Since it was almost sunset we stayed and watched the beautiful sunset.

Heading back to the cars after a great day!

The McNeillys
The Eggiman's

See next blog post of the last half of our amazing trip to Florida!

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