Saturday, March 14, 2015

Polar Plunge

My best friend Aimee's company Oppidan were head sponsors for the Polar Plunge for Special Olympics in Eden Prairie.  This has always been on my bucket list, so I decided to join their team.  The weather was beautiful so we enjoyed watching all the other groups jump.
Selfie before the jump

Our jersey's for the jump!

The jumpers!

Aimee and I
I did copy some of the pictures from the organization taking pictures.  But they are priceless.
They would only let 4-5 people on the ice at a time.  Group photo of part of group.

Getting ready!  We were all first time jumpers.


Jumping!  Nikki, Aimee, and Michele


The water took my breath away!  It was so cold that I couldn't breathe.

The nice safety guy helped me out of the lake.  I couldn't move!

After the jump!  It took a good 2-3 minutes for me to catch my breathe and not feel like an ice cube.  The beautiful weather outside made it faster to warm up.

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