Tuesday, March 31, 2015

McEggiman Florida Spring Break - Take 2 - Part 2

I think Day 4... you start to loose track when you are on vacation.  Mike rented a pontoon for all of us to explore the Crystal River and find some Manatee's.  It was a little cloudy, but we still had an amazing day.

Starting our journey on the Crystal River

Elvie and Nikki

Monkey's live on this island.

Captain Steve

Cory and Kendra

Watching for Manatee's

Cory one of the only brave adults to get in the cool water.

Elvie and Mike

Cory swimming us closer to the Manatee and her baby.

Momma Manatee and her baby

Captain Gavin

Some of the kids wanted to try to swim with the manatee's.

Captain Mike

After finding the Manatee's we started heading to towards the gulf and found some dolphins.

We made it to the gulf!  So pretty!

Gavin didn't make it the whole way and took a nap.

Captain Nate

Almost back to the dock.  Thank you Mike and Elvie for an amazing day on the water.

On one of our last days to check out Florida we headed back to one of our favorite places we found the year earlier.  Tarpon Springs... The weather was amazing and we enjoyed another day at the beach.

Gavin and Kaitlyn having fun on the boogie boards.

Our set-up for the day.

Kaylee enjoying some relaxation

Cory had a little too much sun the last few days.  Shade was his friend today.

Not sure why this picture has weird waves in it.

We decided to rent some paddle boards.  

The guys turn on the boards.  They ended up seeing a shark and Aimee and I saw a few Sting Rays.

Cory and Kendra's turn!

Ashlynn showing off the big holes that they dug!

After spending most of the days at the beach we headed into town to check out some of the shops before heading back to Homosassa for the night.

Ashlynn and the Shark

Malan and the Shark

Gavin and the Shark

Kaitlyn and the Shark

Kaylee and the Shark

Brayden and the Shark

The Eggiman's at Tarpon Springs

The McNeilly's at Tarpon Springs

Our last full day in Florida was spent just hanging out at the pool, doing laundry, packing, and just relaxing before our long drive home.

Our matching bottle coozies!

Our last batch of shrimp from the Freezer!  Yummy!!!

Best Friends!

Best Friends forever!

Around 3:00 pm on Friday, April 3rd we headed back home to Minnesota.  It was another great trip with great friends.  Thank you to Mike and Elvie for letting us stay at their house for the week.  They went from 2 to 14 adults and kids.  

Just leaving warm and sunny Florida!

We made it back in Minnesota on Saturday, April 4th sometime in the afternoon.  The kids did awesome in the car on the way.

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