Monday, September 04, 2006

"Hi Weirdo"

Wow, I can't believe that summer is coming to an end. This weekend MotoRider and I went to Mora for a weekend of family events. MotoRider's grandparents celebrated 60 years of marriage.

Some of you may know that MotoRider has a niece that is 19 months old. She is able to copy any word that you tell her to say. This being said, she can be persuaded to say just about anything. Her saying for the weekend was "Hi Weirdo!". Of course this only was said when coached by your grandpa (Motoriders dad) with one exception. All the guys were golfing (including grandpa) and it was just Hailey (Motorider's Niece), Mandi, Mel (Motorider's sisters) and myself. So, we were sitting around the kitchen table and Hailey looks right at me and says "Hi, Weirdo!" The three of us look around and amazed that she said this without coaching. After a few more minutes Hailey decides that this is funny and tells me over and over that I am a weirdo.

When everyone comes home, Motoriders is thrilled that he is not the only one that Hailey calls Weirdo. I am told that children only say the truth because they have not learned to lie. So, I guess the truth is out and I am officially a WEIRDO.

I have included a picture of Hailey and myself so you have a visual of the entire situation.

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