Thursday, September 14, 2006

Missing Kitty

First, I would like to thank ArmyMan for letting FriendlyKitty experience the great outdoors. Okay, maybe thanking him is not exactly what I mean. Last night I got home and was greeted by CrazyPuppy and MotoRider. I went about my normal routine of going through the mail, doing the dishes, and just picking up. Than I realized that FriendlyKitty had not yet greeted my homecoming. I found this odd for the fact that FriendlyKitty does not like to isolate himself from us. Anyway, I started searching the house and calling for him. Nothing, no meows or running from downstairs to come and see me. So, I thought... what if he got outside? I asked MotoRider if he had seen FriendlyKitty and if he might have gotten outside. MotoRider thought... wait... I accidently left the door to the garage open. Now I am convinced my little kitty is outside all alone. My first thought is how am I going to find him. I go downstairs and start getting my shoes on when I look out the front door and their is FriendlyKitty walking up the sidewalk. He didn't seem scared. He looked at me like "Hi, I am home!"

You thought my story was over, but no.... There is a part II. Today I get home from work and go and get CrazyPuppy out of the kennel. When I get back in the garage I hear FriendlyKitty meowing... Not the "Hi, pay attention to me.. meow". It is the I am stuck and I want out meow. I run inside and start looking around... Nothing!!! So, I go outside and I still hear him. I walk around to the back of the house and their is FriendlyKitty scared to death hiding in the Hostas. Um... I was the last to leave the house... How did he get out? That I will never know.

To summarize... Don't let your Uncle treat your animals like their rule the house. This can only cause you stress and fear in the future. I guess when I told ArmyMan that FriendlyKitty is an indoor cat he must not have understood me. They must have a different definition for Indoor Cat in Florida.

1 comment:

slumberjack said...

Completely unrelated thought - Belated Happy Madden Day (a month late)... I had this at the bottom of my notebook but forgot to mention it.