Thursday, December 28, 2006

A Hard 24 Hours

Some of you may know that Nate is a foreman for a landscaping company here in the cities. Every December he gets laid off until mid - April. Last year he stayed home and collected unemployment. It was really hard to keep him busy during those months. Nate always has to be doing something. Well, this winter he has the opportunity to make some good money. The problem is that he has to be in Dallas, Texas to make this money. Yesterday he left for Texas. I cried of course. (He will be home by April 1st.) He will be working 6 days a week driving a dump truck for a company based in his home town of Mora. Living in a townhouse with 6 other guys from MN and sleeping on a twin size mattress. That doesn't sound like too much fun.

I am so thankful for my neighbor Diane. She has really helped me and has been there for me while I cried to her on the phone. (I also want to say that Kristin and Mike too. They also got the privilege of listening to me cry.) The good thing is that Diane told me that Nate will only be gone for 12 Grey's Anatomy episodes. That sounds a lot better than 90 days.

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