Wednesday, December 20, 2006

A New Addition

Yesterday was a big day in MotoRider's family. The newest member of his family was born. Monday Mandi (MotoRider's sister) was induced and MotoRider and I made the trip to Mora to welcome the newest member of the family. Mel, MotoRider, and I waited outside the room while Darren made his arrival. It was pretty intense because MotoRider and I were on the baby board for Darren to arrive on Tuesday, Dec. 19 or his cousins for Monday, Dec. 18th. It was 11:45 pm when they called the doctor and Mandi was progressing very quickly. The good news is that Darren waited until 12:26 am to arrive. It was so neat to hear him cry for the first time and be able to hold him right away. Here are some pictures.This is MotoRider and Darren about 40 minutes after he was born. He is adorable.
This is Darren and I later in the day after a few hours of sleep. We are excited to get to know him.

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