Tuesday, May 08, 2007

The Pictures You All Have Been Waiting For....

I have finally taken some side shots of my growing belly. It does take some time to get used to the fact that I am gaining weight. This is the heaviest I have ever been. Of course I have only gained 7 pounds, but it still takes some getting used to. Too bad the baby doesn't weight 7 lbs right now. (Reality - the baby ways around 12 oz.) Ugh!!! Maybe it is in my boobs. :) (For those who care... Yes my boobs have gotten bigger.) FINALLY!!!!!!!!!!!! Too bad they go back to normal after the baby is born.

So here it is...

The next picture won't surprise you if you know Nate. Saturday night I walked into the babies room to find the following...

I am not sure if this is Nate's way of telling me that he wants to name our little girl "Gunnarette", but for now this is our new baby girl. As you can see Thomas is also enjoying the new furniture in the babies room. Nate found this crib and a matching dresser/changing table at a garage sale. It is perfect.

A Montage of Events

I thought I would combine several different events and pictures of things that have gone on these past few weeks. So, sit back and enjoy...

A few weeks ago Nate and I became Godparents to Darren (Nate's sisters son.) He was a good boy until we put him in-front of everyone. Nate did a good job trying to keep him occupied while he cried and spit up all over Nate's shoe and the floor. I think he just wanted to be heard. He looked so handsome in his white tux.

This past Saturday I had several of my friends over for my annual Birthday BBQ Bonfire Bash. Unfortunately we weren't able to have a bonfire because of the wind, but we stayed inside and made our own fun. We were also able to watch the Supercross race that was live from Vegas.

Here is a picture of my good friend Heidi that came to my party on Saturday. I hadn't seen her for over 2 years. We pulled out the old pictures and laughed at ourselves. Maybe one day I will post a few old pictures of myself for your viewing pleasure.

By the end of the night Cody was exhausted and so was my friend Jessa. So they found a comfy spot on the floor to rest.

Thursday, May 03, 2007

It's a Girl

The news is out... We are having a little girl. The ultrasound showed that everything was normal.

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

A Taste for Cravings...

I thought all of you would like to know that I had my first real taste of a craving I couldn't resist or ignore. On my way home from work I started craving a cheeseburger on the grill. By the time I got home Nate called to tell me he would be later than he thought. This frustrated me because I really wanted that cheeseburger. I wasn't going to cook 3 burgers to only eat one. So, I only had one option. (The one drawback about living in Mayer is you have to drive at least 15 minutes to any fast food restaurant.) When your pregnant your cravings don't have patience. So, I got back in my car and drove to Dairy Queen for a cheeseburger, fries, and a chocolate dipped strawberry blizzard. All I can say is that it was exactly what I wanted and needed.