Tuesday, May 08, 2007

A Montage of Events

I thought I would combine several different events and pictures of things that have gone on these past few weeks. So, sit back and enjoy...

A few weeks ago Nate and I became Godparents to Darren (Nate's sisters son.) He was a good boy until we put him in-front of everyone. Nate did a good job trying to keep him occupied while he cried and spit up all over Nate's shoe and the floor. I think he just wanted to be heard. He looked so handsome in his white tux.

This past Saturday I had several of my friends over for my annual Birthday BBQ Bonfire Bash. Unfortunately we weren't able to have a bonfire because of the wind, but we stayed inside and made our own fun. We were also able to watch the Supercross race that was live from Vegas.

Here is a picture of my good friend Heidi that came to my party on Saturday. I hadn't seen her for over 2 years. We pulled out the old pictures and laughed at ourselves. Maybe one day I will post a few old pictures of myself for your viewing pleasure.

By the end of the night Cody was exhausted and so was my friend Jessa. So they found a comfy spot on the floor to rest.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Man...I miss out on all the good stuff. Sad face.

- Josh