Tuesday, July 10, 2007



A few weeks ago Nate and I went camping with Nate's family. We spent the weekend near Mille Lacs at a beautiful campground. The weather was beautiful... warm sunny days and cool evenings. It was so nice to be away from home and spending time with family.
Cody loved being outside the whole weekend. He did get tired of being tied up, but he did get plenty of walks and playing catch. He also enjoyed being around Hailey who played catch with him.
The campground we stayed at had several activities for kids. Here is Hailey and Darren enjoying the train ride around the campground. Mel, Mandi, and I also enjoyed the train ride. The only problem was that Hailey kept asking about the train. We had to keep telling her that the train was sleeping.

There was also a 4th of July parade around the campground. Auntie Mel did a wonderful job decorating Hailey's trike. She made it almost all the way around the campground before she was ready to be done.

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