Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Dairy Queen

This blog is not about Dairy Queen the restaurant, but my new title. My co-worker has renamed my slog from "Drama Queen" to "Dairy Queen". Most of you know that I have chosen to breastfeed Kaitlyn because of the following benefits:

1. The best thing for Kaitlyn
2. Less poopy diapers
3. Readily Available at the right temperature.
5. Bigger Boobs

Because I have chosen to breastfeed and work full-time I need to dispense my supply during business hours. My boss has provided me a new pumping space in our conference room. The only problem is that this room does not have a lock and can be used by anyone in our office. So, I had to make a sign to make sure that I was not disturbed during this process.

Today is also Halloween and our little Kaitlyn has on a cute little pumpkin sleeper with matching pumpkin hat. I was tempted to go trick or treating tonight, but thought I would get some strange looks if I show up asking for candy with a 2 month old. Maybe if I dressed up like a cow I would get a better response?

Here is our little pumpkin with her daddy this morning. Unfortunately we won't be having any trick or treaters at our house this year. We are still not able to drive to our house. It has been over 4 weeks... but I hear that we should be able to by the weekend. I am crossing my fingers.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

2 Months Old

Our little girl is getting big. Last Friday she turned 2 months old. I can't believe that I have been back at work for 4 weeks now. Yesterday she went to her 2 month old wellness check. As I have mentioned before she is able to roll over from her front to back and back to front. According to my aunt it is not necessarily intentional, but she can do it. This weekend I tried to see if she would roll over, but never did... until I found out the secret. She has to be mad before she will do it. Back to her wellness check... the doctor put her on her stomach and said "Okay, show off for us..." Kaitlyn got upset and rolled over right in front of doctor and myself. It was so exciting. According to her doctor... "She is an over achiever." She now weights 9 lbs. (12th % tile), and is 20 1/2 inches long (3rd %). The good thing is that she is following the curve on all areas of weight, height, and head size. She also got a few vaccinations, which she did not like. The look on her face was so sad, but she calmed down with a little extra TLC from mommy.
Here is Kaitlyn's 2 month old picture with the duck. She is almost bigger than the duck. She isn't smiling at you just yet, but she does smile when she feels like it.

This past weekend we went to Mora so Nate could set up his deer stand. All his aunts were up to see Kaitlyn and her cousins. I had plenty of babysitters for the weekend. Here is a picture of Kaitlyn with her cousin Hailey. Hailey is 2 1/2 and just loves her baby cousin Kaitlyn.

I took this picture a few weeks ago, but it is just too cute not to put on my blog. Here is my other favorite Hailey helping me feed Kaitlyn a bottle. My neighbor Hailey loves to help me with Kaitlyn by giving me blankets, so she is always warm. She has also helped her mommy when they babysit Kaitlyn for us.

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Pumpkin Patch

It's that time of the year for pumpkin patches and falling leaves. This past weekend Anne, Kristin, Kaitlyn, and I went to a pumpkin patch in Wyoming. (Not the state, but the city in MN.) The weather was perfect and Kaitlyn decided it wasn't what she was expecting, so she slept pretty much the whole time. Or she could have been awake with her eyes closed because it was kind of bright outside. Either way, it didn't stop us from having her enjoy the festivities. She got her picture taken with some kind of strange animal.... that I can't remember the name of.
We also went on a tractor ride, found our way through the hay maze, and took pictures in the pumpkin patch.
Here is Kaitlyn and I posing in a pumpkin cut out. As you can tell Kaitlyn wanted nothing to do with it. I think she thinks that if she closes her eyes, she can't be seen. I kept telling her that it will be fun, but she didn't care.

This is my favorite picture from our adventure. Kaitlyn decided that this picture was worth taking, so she opened her eyes. Overall, we all enjoyed the sunshine and warmer temperatures. I think next year she will be more enthusiastic about going.

The other big milestone is that she rolled over yesterday. I know we are all amazed. I have yet to witness this, but when I picked her up from my aunt and uncles they said she rolled from her back to stomach more than once. I guess being early isn't an issue for our little girl.

Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Under Construction

Many of you know that the road in front of our house is being redone this fall. This little project will most likely cost us a good chunk of change that we will get to pay for the next 10-15 years! Don't worry - we will be having a party to celebrate this new look to our house. You may be wondering why I would blog about road construction... Well, you see... for the last 2 weeks we haven't been able to park in our driveway. I take part of that back... Nate has parked in the driveway one week longer than I did, but that is because he has 4 wheel drive and is a boy. Normally this wouldn't be a big deal, but try to tote a 6 week old with all her gear through our backyard and the neighbors in the rain. Our garage now holds the stroller and the boat.
Most of the time we can park in my neighbor Diane and Brandon's yard... but I have been able to park in my space in the cul-de-sac close to our house. I think people just know that we have a newborn so they leave the space for me. Here are some updated pictures of Kailtyn. She is growing so fast. We just finished a week without pooping, but the doctor told me not to be concerned. I never knew I would be talking about poop so much now that I have a little girl. The joys of parenthood. She is getting into a schedule too. She usually goes to bed around 8 and doesn't wake up until 2 or 3 to eat. After that she is up every 2-3 hours. At least I get more than 4 hours of solid sleep in a row. I can't believe that it has been almost 8 weeks that I haven't slept through the night.

This is Kaitlyn's first bath in her baby bath tub. Daddy took some pictures and video. I think she enjoyed being in the warm water. She really likes it when daddy washes her hair. That is what calmed her down last week when she wouldn't stop crying for 4 days in the evenings.

Here she is sleeping in her swing. She gets to wear a bib all the time because she likes to spit up a lot. Sometimes she seems to spit up everything I just fed her. She also gets to wear little mittens so she doesn't scratch her face up.