Thursday, October 18, 2007

Pumpkin Patch

It's that time of the year for pumpkin patches and falling leaves. This past weekend Anne, Kristin, Kaitlyn, and I went to a pumpkin patch in Wyoming. (Not the state, but the city in MN.) The weather was perfect and Kaitlyn decided it wasn't what she was expecting, so she slept pretty much the whole time. Or she could have been awake with her eyes closed because it was kind of bright outside. Either way, it didn't stop us from having her enjoy the festivities. She got her picture taken with some kind of strange animal.... that I can't remember the name of.
We also went on a tractor ride, found our way through the hay maze, and took pictures in the pumpkin patch.
Here is Kaitlyn and I posing in a pumpkin cut out. As you can tell Kaitlyn wanted nothing to do with it. I think she thinks that if she closes her eyes, she can't be seen. I kept telling her that it will be fun, but she didn't care.

This is my favorite picture from our adventure. Kaitlyn decided that this picture was worth taking, so she opened her eyes. Overall, we all enjoyed the sunshine and warmer temperatures. I think next year she will be more enthusiastic about going.

The other big milestone is that she rolled over yesterday. I know we are all amazed. I have yet to witness this, but when I picked her up from my aunt and uncles they said she rolled from her back to stomach more than once. I guess being early isn't an issue for our little girl.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Our Kaitlyn can't be getting bigger!!! She's growing up so fast. I love her!!!