Tuesday, October 23, 2007

2 Months Old

Our little girl is getting big. Last Friday she turned 2 months old. I can't believe that I have been back at work for 4 weeks now. Yesterday she went to her 2 month old wellness check. As I have mentioned before she is able to roll over from her front to back and back to front. According to my aunt it is not necessarily intentional, but she can do it. This weekend I tried to see if she would roll over, but never did... until I found out the secret. She has to be mad before she will do it. Back to her wellness check... the doctor put her on her stomach and said "Okay, show off for us..." Kaitlyn got upset and rolled over right in front of doctor and myself. It was so exciting. According to her doctor... "She is an over achiever." She now weights 9 lbs. (12th % tile), and is 20 1/2 inches long (3rd %). The good thing is that she is following the curve on all areas of weight, height, and head size. She also got a few vaccinations, which she did not like. The look on her face was so sad, but she calmed down with a little extra TLC from mommy.
Here is Kaitlyn's 2 month old picture with the duck. She is almost bigger than the duck. She isn't smiling at you just yet, but she does smile when she feels like it.

This past weekend we went to Mora so Nate could set up his deer stand. All his aunts were up to see Kaitlyn and her cousins. I had plenty of babysitters for the weekend. Here is a picture of Kaitlyn with her cousin Hailey. Hailey is 2 1/2 and just loves her baby cousin Kaitlyn.

I took this picture a few weeks ago, but it is just too cute not to put on my blog. Here is my other favorite Hailey helping me feed Kaitlyn a bottle. My neighbor Hailey loves to help me with Kaitlyn by giving me blankets, so she is always warm. She has also helped her mommy when they babysit Kaitlyn for us.

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