Tuesday, December 11, 2007

A Weekend to Remember

"A Poopy Engagement" - Literally speaking.
Let me set the scene on how Nate would describe the event. It is Sunday evening at the Moore McNeilly household. We are enjoying our newly arranged basement and space heater. During a commercial break of Extreme Homemaker, I got up to go to the bathroom. Nate on the other hand had other plans from when I came out of the bathroom. He turns on the hallway light and gets down on one knee. (He claims he was waiting for some time.) When I come out I ponder why the hallway light is on and as I turn the corner he is down on one knee. I was very surprised and just couldn't believe it. (How did I not figure this out?) He asked me to marry him and I said.... YES!!!!! Kaitlyn on the other hand is sitting nicely in her swing and was making a little surprise of her own. Yes, she decided to poop through her diaper and her daddy had the privilege to change it. So, after all was said and done... it was literally a poopy engagement, but one worth remembering. We haven't set a date, but I will make sure to let you all know.

Kaitlyn's Baptism
Not only did I get engaged on December 9th, but our sweet girl was welcomed into God's family. She was baptised at the 11am service at Mount Calvary Lutheran Church in Excelsior. My favorite Pastor's Scott and Dave officiated the ceremony. She looked so cute in her dress that was worn by her Grandma Sue, Great Aunts, First Cousins once removed, Aunts, and Cousin Hailey. She is the third generation to wear this dress for her Christening. She only cried while we put the water on her head... Pastor Dave said that he did put ice cubes in it. (I do know that he was only joking.) After the service we enjoyed some home cooked sloppy joes at her Grandpa Bob's House.

My sister Anne and her boyfriend Randy are Kaitlyn's God Parents. We are happy to have them be part of her Christian Life.

Why you don't go on Vacation in our office.... Especially to a warm climate.

My co-worker Scott decided to take last week off and spend time in Cabo with his wife and friends. This left the rest of us to suffer through 2 snow storms and frigid temperatures. We didn't want Scott to feel left out of our weekly adventures... so we decided his office needed a makeover... Remember the saying... A pictures says a thousand words...

I have one last picture I want to add to this post. It is my favorite picture of our little girl. She is wearing a hat that my co-worker knitted for her. She also loves to play with her toys and smile for the camera.

She is getting so big... Last night she was cooing and a lot... She is going to be a talker like her mom. I really think she was having a conversation with me.

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