Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Four Months Old... plus more!!!

Four Months Old
I can't believe that my baby is 4 months old today.
Nate and I took Kaitlyn for her four month doctor's appointment. She is getting bigger, but is still pretty small to her peers. In the doctor's words: "She is short!" Here are her stats:
Height - 21 1/4 - 3%
Weight - 11 lbs. 13 oz - 12%
Head size - 15 1/2 - 10%

Even though she is small she is a very active little girl. She loves playing with some toys, giggles and laughs with her dad when he is home with her. They love spending time together.
I tried really hard to get her to smile, but she just got four shots in her legs... so she wasn't too happy with her mommy and daddy.

A Visit to Grandma's House we go...
This past weekend Anne, Kaitlyn and I went to Perham to visit our Grandma and other family members in the area. We spent a lot of time visiting with my aunt and uncle Barb and Gary and Cousin's. My Grandma got to meet Kaitlyn for the first time. I am so happy that we got some pictures taken.
Here is Kaitlyn, Great Grandma Florence, Nikki, and Auntie Anny. It was fun to see all my cousins and aunts and uncles.

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