Monday, April 14, 2008

Our Last Trip to Mora

A few weeks ago... We traveled North to Mora. Kaitlyn played with her cousins Darren (15 months) and Hailey (3 years). Hailey and Kaitlyn had some quality time together when we arrived on Friday Night. Hailey is a big helper with her little cousin.
Here are all the cousins... Darren is a mover, so this is the best picture we got of the three of them.
Kaitlyn and Thomas love to play together... Wait - let me rephrase that... Thomas loves to lay by Kaitlyn to be petted. I guess you could call petting and pulling the same thing... Kaitlyn usually has a hand full of fur at the end of the petting session.
Kaitlyn got to play at her Cousin's house... and she got to try out all of their toys. She loved sitting on the big truck.

1 comment:

Jessi said...

Wow she is a cutie! I can't
believe how grown up she is getting! Your baby girl is getting big! Miss ya! Hope you're well.