Monday, April 28, 2008

8 Months Old

Kaitlyn is 8 months old. She is getting so big. She loves eating cereal, can sit up on her own... roles around to get from point A to B, has tried to eat Cheerios and Rice Krispies (Mom is a little nervous about this eating solid foods, so it is a slow process.) Loves to giggle, has tickles toes, and sleeps through the night.

Kaitlyn and Hailey this past weekend at Grandma and Grandpa McNeilly's House. Kaitlyn loves to play with all of Grandma's toys and to watch her big cousins play.
Daddy took Kaitlyn on her first pit bike ride around the yard. Before we know it she will be racing at the local fairs.
Kaitlyn loves going on walks. The other day was pretty windy... So - Can you find Kaitlyn in this picture?
Kaitlyn is becoming a pro at holding her own bottle... sometimes we have to reminder that this is her new job. She also likes to drink water out of a sippy cup.

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