Friday, April 04, 2008

Our Little Girl is Getting So Big

I am so big that I can hold my own sippy cup. I haven't mastered the bottle yet, but my daddy is really working with me on that task. I do like my water warm... I am not a big fan of cold drinks yet.
I am also learning how to sit up on my own. I love being able to see all my toys around me. Sometimes I fall over, but mommy just sets me back up and I continue playing.
Look at how big I am getting compared to my duck. I am finally bigger than my duck.
Now I can hold my duck. While I had my cold I learned how to breath out of my mouth and now I love to keep my mouth open and tough hanging out.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Must take after your Mommy with the mouth hanging open. Don't worry Kaitlyn, you might be better than your Mom when eating cereal. Your Mom is good having her mouth open too eating cereal while having a cold:-)