Monday, May 19, 2008

Nine Months Old

Wow - Today our little girl is 9 months old. Here are some pictures of things we have been up to the last few weeks. Here she is on her favorite Quilt my cousin Michelle made for Kaitlyn. It was really hard for me to take this picture without her wanting to play with the duck.

Kaitlyn is such a happy baby. She is always full of smiles and giggles. She hasn't started crawling, but has figured out that rolling gets her where she wants to go.

Kaitlyn loves to swing. Diane, Hailey, Kaitlyn, Cody, and I decided to go to the park after our walk. She giggled and smiled the whole time she was swinging.

Here is Kaitlyn and I at the park. It was really windy that on our way home the wind pushed the strollers. Diane had to take several pictures before Kaitlyn would look at the camera.

My Bridal Shower - May 18th, 2008

Sunday I had my bridal shower. We enjoyed some fun games, great food, and wonderful company. Here are some pictures from the big event.

My Matron of Honor and I. Kristin has finally made it on my blog. It only took me getting married, but here she is in all her glory.
Kaitlyn got to wear a pretty veil like her mommy. She had so much fun at the shower that she didn't want to take nap. Good thing she slept the whole way home.

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