Friday, May 30, 2008

Double Ear Infections? What?

Last Friday Kaitlyn had her 9 month wellness check. She is getting bigger and following the curve, but is still short. She weighs 16lbs 9 oz. (No need to buy the next stage car seat.) When the doctor looked in her ears... they were infected. What? I had no idea. She hasn't been crabby or showing me any indication she has ear infections. In some ways - it is cheaper since I don't have to pay co-pays for wellness checks. So, we are back to medicine and poop up the back. Good news is that we only have a few more days of this.

Memorial weekend we went to Perham and Detroit Lakes. My cousin's daughter had her graduation open house, so we took a little road trip to celebrate. After the open house we headed to Detroit Lakes to my Aunt and Uncle's cabin. Cody enjoyed jumping off the dock and playing catch. It was pretty windy, so we didn't spend too much time outside. Here are some pictures from our stay at the cabin.
Kaitlyn loved all the attention from my cousins Jenna and Liz. I enjoyed the free babysitting.
We love the cabin. Thank you Kevin and Mary for letting us stay and enjoy some time away from home.
Kaitlyn enjoying a little cat nap at the Lakes. She found a little stuff animal to cuddle up too during her nap. I think she enjoyed her new Pack n Play.
We think Kaitlyn's teeth are starting to come and she also has a little bit of a cold. Here is her infamous open mouth, tongue out breathing through her mouth. She loved to play in the grass as we watched daddy and Liz play an outdoor game.

Here is Kaitlyn and Mommy enjoying the dock. We were watching Liz and Daddy catching fish. She had to wear her winter hat because of the wind and her ear infections. She didn't mind because she was outside.

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