Monday, June 16, 2008

The McNeilly's

Well - We survived our first week as the McNeilly family. I have to say that it is strange when people introduce me as "Nikki McNeilly" or when Nate introduces me as his wife. I did receive the marriage license in the mail, so I can make it official on everything. I hope I can remember everything that I need to change me name on. Ugh!!!

Anyway, here are some pictures from the week: Enjoy!

Kaitlyn loved her first boat ride last Monday. She didn't mind having the life jacket on. She spent most of the trip trying to lick the zipper... I think that kept her entertained. (Who needs toys when you have a zipper?) Yesterday for Father's Day we spent a few hours on the lake. It was pretty wavy from the wind and all other boats. Kaitlyn didn't care... she drank her bottle even though I had a hard to keeping it in her mouth, she slept during the bumpiest part of the ride, and she laughed when I over exaggerated the bumps.

Kaitlyn enjoyed her first french fry. I was a nervous wreck, but Nana had it under control. I guess I have to start introducing her to new foods. Scary!!!! She really thought she was big stuff gumming this because she still is toothless!
This weekend we went to St. Cloud for Nate's Cousins graduation party. Auntie Mel put in Kaitlyn's first pony tail. She is getting so big!
I also would like to update you on her new tricks. She can now army crawl across the floor. She loves her new freedom, but Nate and I are not ready for this. This week we will be doing some more baby proofing around the house. She also has successfully pulled herself up over a step. It took a few minutes, but she got up and over it with no problem. You could tell she was very proud of herself.

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