Tuesday, July 01, 2008

10 Months and Counting

Where do I begin? Kaitlyn is growing so fast... she seems to be learning new things everyday. Here is a little recap of what she can do.

When my mom came to visit for our wedding the beginning of June she decided that Kaitlyn's current mode of rolling from point A to point B was just not good enough. By the second day my mom was home... Kaitlyn learned to army crawl across the floor. Now she is starting to get up on all fours. I have a feeling that she will be crawling on all fours within the next few days. Another milestone my mom taught her was to stand flat footed. Ever since she was a few months old Kaitlyn loved to stand on her tippy toes. I am not sure if she wants to be a ballerina, but she sure was good at it.
Here is Kaitlyn playing with her new toy I found a garage sale for $8. I love garage sales! We use this toy as a way to block the cords for the laptop and lamps in the living room. This may be the only toy she really plays with at home or she is just trying to figure out how she can get to the cords. I have found that I don't need to buy her toys. She will have toys surrounding her and she chooses to play with the following: Coasters, baskets, socks, strings on my pants or sweatshirts, the cat or dog, car seat straps, and the list keeps going. The good news is that I buy her toys at garage sales, so if she doesn't play with them it is not a big lose for us.

I am not sure I want to thank my mom for this or not... because she is now a master at pulling herself up on everything... laundry baskets, couches, tables, legs, and anything that is taller than her. We had to do some major baby proofing now that Kaitlyn has learned to crawl and climb a few stairs. We bought this new gate and decided that Kaitlyn doesn't need to have full access to the upstairs. (Or we just are lazy and haven't baby proofed everything.) We have a sunken living room, so we decided she could stay in there. The benefits to this are: Cody doesn't bother us because he chooses to stay on the other side of the gate... this also allows for less dog hair where Kaitlyn is playing, and we don't have to worry about the stairs.

Every since Kaitlyn was a few months old she has been very vocal. This has made it hard for us to determine what her first word will be or is... She loves to say "mamamamama" when she is upset. Last week she said "hi" really loud when the phone would ring at my aunt and uncles. We are pretty sure now that she knows how to say "dada". (I think she just likes to make the "da" sound and it is easier than the "ma" sound to make.)

This past Sunday... Kaitlyn came out on the boat with us for the afternoon. She loved playing with the rope, her Gerber food containers, but not her toys. About 20 minutes before we decided to head in for the day... she decided she needed a nap.

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