Monday, June 09, 2008

Nikki McNeilly!! 06-07-08

Well it is official. I am Mrs. Nikki McNeilly! Here are some pictures from the big day. I will continue to add more pictures as I get them. My personal attendant was in charge of my camera for the day, so thank you to Katie for taking such great pictures.

Our practise kiss at the rehearsal. We enjoyed watching Hailey, Darren, and Kaitlyn playing in the wagon.
Here is a picture of me and my beautiful little girl. She was such a good baby the whole day... even though she still had double ear infections.
The whole wedding party before the big moment. The weather was beautiful, but a little humid... but bearable.
The happy family! I am a McNeilly in this picture! We took pictures at one of Nate's clients houses. Thank you to them for letting us invade their backyard for pictures. They turned out perfect.
My happy little girl enjoying the grass in her pretty dress. She smiled so great for all the pictures.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Congratulations to the McNeilly family. We are sorry we had to miss the event.