Monday, October 20, 2008

Girl's Weekend

Kaitlyn and I had a girls weekend. Nate went to Mora to get their new hunting land ready. I still can't believe that deer hunting is only a few weeks away. Friday night we went to Kristin's brother's house for a bon-fire. Kaitlyn loved riding in the wagon and climbing up all the stairs on the deck. It was a little chilly out, so Kaitlyn got to wear her new winter jacket we bought that day.

Saturday we hung out at home until the afternoon. We met Aunty Anny and her friends at a nearby Apple Orchard. We got to go on a hay ride, pick apples, and enjoy the beautiful weather.

Kaitlyn loved walking around and picking up all the apples that had fallen from the trees. She also got to taste part of an apple and really liked it.

I hope that this was not the last nice weekend of weather until Spring. Yicks!

Sunday was beautiful, so Kaitlyn and I decided to spend the day outside. We played in the driveway with all our big girl toys. Hailey came over and played too! Kaitlyn loves anything that she can ride on or in. She has mastered the dukes of hazzard window entry into her car. While Kaitlyn was busy with her big girl toys... I raked leaves and sticks.

Look mommy - I can push this all by myself.

Here is Kaitlyn and Hailey playing in the cars. "I am ready if you are.... let's race."

"Ready, Set, Drive...."

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