Monday, October 13, 2008

Mini Honeymoon

My dad's wedding present to Nate and I was 2 nights at a hotel. Nate and I chose to go up the North Shore to see the fall colors. We stayed in a cute little motel in Two Harbors. We had a jacuzzi suite - which we ended up not using. The pool hot tub was a lot quicker to use - especially after our long day of hiking on Saturday.
We both had Friday off, so we left late Thursday night (after Nate's class) and spent the night in Mora. Friday morning... we left Kaitlyn and Cody with Grandma and Grandpa. (From what I heard... Kaitlyn had a great time with Grandma, Grandpa, Aunty Mandi, and her cousins... I do know that more family stopped over to visit. One thing to note... she was a Grandma's Girl.)

The weather was a little rainy on Friday, but that didn't stop us from a tour of Glensheen Mansion, and a home brewed beer at the Brewhouse. We also met up with my college friend Jen and her husband for a quick visit before we headed to Two Harbors for the night.

Here is Nate and I at the Two Harbors pier. Some nice stranger took the picture for us. (We had to ask a lot of nice strangers to take our picture.)

Saturday morning we got up and headed up the North Shore... We beat the crowds to Gooseberry - The parking lot was full by the time we left. We also walked all the way to Lake Superior. It was a little chilly at first, but by the time we walked back... we were sweating.

Here is another nice picture taken by a stranger at the top of Gooseberry Falls.

Here we are at the Lake. No nice strangers to take our picture... plus Nate is not very excited to be in every picture.

After Gooseberry we went to Split Rock Lighthouse. We made it just in-time for the walking tour. The sun started to come out during the tour. We learned a lot and also decided to take the path down to the lake. The walk down was easy, but the walk back up the 171 steps... not so fun!

We ran into another nice stranger to take this picture... I felt kind of guilty because he was already holding 2 huge cameras.... my guilt vanished when his wife came and asked us to take their picture.

Our next stop was Grand Marias... My favorite little town in Minnesota. I hadn't been there for over 10 years, but it was worth the drive. The trees were at their peak. We ate at Sven and Ole's and did a little shopping. I found a cute hat for this winter. On our way back to Two Harbors... we stopped at Cascade Falls... which was beautiful. It had rained all week, so the falls were beautiful.

We want to thank all of our guest photographers on our mini-honeymoon. With out them we would not be able to capture our trip. We also want to thank my dad for sponsoring our adventure... without him and lower gas prices... this trip would not have been possible.

1 comment:

Mindi said...

It sounds and looks like you had a great time. It makes me miss Minneosta a little. But the kids and I will be there for 16 days in November, while Alex is on the road. Also I love the new background!