Monday, October 06, 2008


A few Friday's ago I decided to take some high schoolers from my church to a football game. This left daddy home to be with Kaitlyn. Of all the nights... she decides to take her first real steps. The next day I tried to get her to do it again, but no... only for daddy. Than last Friday Nate picked Kaitlyn up from daycare and she walked to him. (What? This can't be happening!) When I got home... she did walk to me. She can stand up without any help and is able to walk at least 7 - 10 steps. I tried several attempts to capture some video of her walking without falling, but that didn't work out so well. Here is one video... I am going to still attempt to capture her walking without falling.

All at Once!

Since Kaitlyn waited until after her first birthday to get her first tooth.... they have all decided that they need to come out now. About a week after her first tooth appeared (Top right)... her top left tooth started to appear. This past week I have noticed that her 2 middle bottom teeth are showing and another one on the top right. She does pretty well with all this action going on in her mouth. She doesn't sleep to well on the nights, but otherwise is pretty easy going about these changes in her mouth. The one thing I have noticed is that she likes to grind her teeth... Is this normal? My feeling is it is a new feeling in her mouth and it feels good to put pressure on her them.

Kaitlyn loves to play in her laundry basket. After she helped fold her clothes she decided that being in the laundry basket was more fun.


Mindi said...

Tht is so exciting that Kaitlyn is walking. Things are only going to get more exciting everyday. Good Job Kaitlyn!

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I think it's normal for them to grind their teeth. Gabe did it for the better part of a month after his teeth came in but, thank goodness, has since stopped. Love all of your pictures and the videos of Kaitlyn walking! Pretty soon she'll be running!