Wednesday, December 16, 2009

It's That Time!

The other day when I picked up Kaitlyn at daycare I was told that Kaitlyn climbed out of the crib after nap. Daycare has tried to have her sleep on a little cot but Kaitlyn just thought it was play time. At home Kaitlyn had never tried to climb out of the crib, so I knew it would only be a matter of time.

Today Nate called me around 8:20 to ask if Kaitlyn was awake when I left for work. I said No! He said he woke up and when he checked the monitor she wasn't in her crib. So, he got up and she had climbed out of her crib, opened her bedroom door (which is a new trick too) and was down in the entryway with Cody.

So, we might need to go shopping for a new bed very soon. Maybe they will have some after Christmas sales on Twin size beds.

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