Wednesday, December 09, 2009

McNeilly Recent Happenings

I can't believe that November is over and Christmas is just a few short weeks away. We were certainly busy in November. We were in Mora for 3 weekends for Deer Hunting. Nate got a nice 8 point buck on opening morning. Kaitlyn and I spent the weekends hanging out with Nate's family. We went to a few craft fairs, raked leaves at Mel and Sam's, and played with my niece and nephew.

Kaitlyn, Cousin Darren, and Cousin Hailey hanging out at Grandma and Grandpa's house.

Thanksgiving we spent the day in St. Cloud. I stayed overnight to experience the great joys of shopping on Black Friday. Nate's 2 aunts and my mother-in-law and I got up at 3:30am to start our shopping adventure. We found some great deals and I got all our Christmas Shopping done in one day.
We brought in some of Kaitlyn's outside toys for the winter. She insisted that we bring her car upstairs while she watched a Veggie Tales movie. It entertained her for about 20 minutes before she got bored.

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