Monday, June 21, 2010

A Little Bit of Everything

This past weekend was pretty busy. Nate's parents came down to help finish the deck. Friday evening Nate and his dad finished laying all the deck boards, so Saturday they could focus on the railings. The weather was perfect for building the deck especially since Saturday was a little cool and cloudy. My dad also came to help Saturday and Sunday, so we were able to get most of the deck done. (No pictures yet... We are waiting to do before and after pictures.)

Kaitlyn, Grandma Sue, and I went to some garage sales on Saturday morning and found some great things. We came home at lunch time with a car full of new junk. Saturday afternoon the three of us went into Waconia for the annual High School Marching Band parade. We had a great time watching them perform and Kaitlyn did awesome even though we were there for over 3 hours.

Grandma Sue and Kaitlyn waiting for the parade to start.

Kaitlyn sporting her new princess outfit and skirt we found on Saturday. She wanted to be like daddy and have her tape measure on her belt too.
Kaitlyn riding her bike. She loves to copy other kids, so she has decided to try riding no-handed. Of course she fell off, so we are hoping that was just a phase. We are trying to focus on riding on the side of the road and watching for cars.

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