Tuesday, June 01, 2010

Memorial Day Weekend 2010

It's officially summer! Too bad we have yet to take the boat out for it's 2010 maiden voyage.

Our small vacation started early on Saturday morning. (Nate had to take is National EMT test on Friday evening.) We headed to Perham, MN for my cousins son Trace's graduation party. It was HOT, but so much fun to see family. We had a great lunch and than we headed to Fargo, ND for my cousin Jenna's Graduation Party. On our way to Fargo, I gave Nate a tour of MN state, Moorhead campus. I can't believe that it has been 9 years since I graduated from college. Wow, time sure does fly by!

After our long day we headed back to Detroit Lakes to my Aunt and Uncles cabin. We arrived right at sunset, so it was perfect for some relaxation by the lake. Kaitlyn got to sleep on the top bunk with Aunty Anny. She even slept in until 8:45 the next day.

Sunday was a little chilly in the morning. So strange that it was 95 degrees the day before and than to wake up and it is only 50 degrees. Nate mowed the lawn for my uncle, while Kaitlyn played in the sand with Nana building and destroying sand castles.
Kaitlyn having a tea party with sand and lake water.

Nate and I also visited my friends Mike and Jen in DL to see there new house. Actually, it's not new and they have lived there for 2 years, but we had yet to see it. Nate was pretty jealous because they have 2 huge garages and several acres of land. We invited them to come back to the cabin for a little BBQ and bonfire.

Kaitlyn and Bailey posing for the camera. They just finished eating blue and red ring pops, so they were showing off there bright red and blue lips. It was so fun to see them play together.

Kaitlyn enjoying your Ring Pop from Bailey.

We also did some fishing off the dock on Sunday evening. We bought Kaitlyn a new Dora Fishing Pole, since we forgot her Barbie one at home. Kaitlyn wasn't too interested in fishing. She said she just wanted to watch. I caught the first keeper, so we decided we need to have a little fish fry.

The first keeper was a sunfish. We ended up catching several more, so we had fish for an appetizer before dinner. We used the paddle boat as our live well. It worked pretty well, but had a few escapee's during the course of our fishing.
Nate was convinced that big fish seem to be caught with a kiddie fishing pole. So, he spent about an hour fishing with Kaitlyn's new Dora Fishing Pole.

After about an hour, Nate finally figured out this urban legend..... The answer is.....

Yes, big fish are caught with little kiddie poles. Good thing Kaitlyn shared her new fishing pole with daddy.
My mom decided to fish the conventional way with an adult size pole and caught this nice sized crappie off the dock.

All the girls enjoying the nice evening at the lake.

Kaitlyn and my cousin Liz enjoying the bonfire.

Kaitlyn and daddy enjoying the sparklers. We had to keep telling Kaitlyn that she couldn't so this "all by herself."

My new favorite family photo!

Awwww!!! The fire! So peaceful!

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