Thursday, June 24, 2010

Maiden Voyage 2010

Finally! We took our boat for the first time in 2010. Nate got home a little early from work and got Kaitlyn and the boat ready for it's Maiden Voyage. So, when I got home we loaded up and headed to Lake Minnetonka. We bought our season trailer parking pass and for the swim pond, so we are all set for a great summer.

The weather was perfect. 85 degrees, sunny, and calm. Kaitlyn was so excited to finally go on the boat. Actually we all were. Nate and I have the launching of the boat down to a T. I back the boat in, while Kaitlyn and Nate get everything in the boat. I than park the truck and trailer and head down the HUGE hill back to the lake. Same goes for when we leave. I walk (or try to hitch a ride) up the HUGE hill and get the truck and trailer. We can get the boat out of the water and onto the trailer in about 5 minutes. Which is nice if there is a line.

Daddy and his co-captain Kaitlyn. We decided to bring some Subway sandwiches and had dinner on the lake.

Kaitlyn and mommy happy to be enjoying the nice weather. We decided to just cruise around the lake. We stopped to see a co-worker that lives on the lake too. Kaitlyn always wanted to go fast in the no wake zones, so we had to explain to her about Slow buoys.

Every time we would come to a group of buoys, Kaitlyn would say: "Mommy, look at all the Boobies or BooBoo's". So Cute.

Finally going fast!

Nate and I enjoying our cruise around the lake.

So, Kaitlyn is pretty much potty trained now which has added a new scenario into our boating season. We don't want to teach Kaitlyn she can go potty in the lake, since she may think she can in the pool too. We have a built in cooler in the front bow (we only use this to hold Kaitlyn's toys), so we have decided to use this as Kaitlyn's potty since it drains right into the lake. (We all know that people pee in the lake. LOL.) So, we now have toilet paper and Clorox wipes on the boat to clean and disinfect our unique kids potty on the boat. (Don't worry we won't be using it as a cooler in the future.)