Thursday, December 02, 2010

24 Weeks

Tomorrow I will be exactly 24 weeks.  That means only 16 more weeks until our little one arrives.  If this little one decides to come early like their big sister... that is only 11 more weeks.  Less than 3 months! 

Many of you know this pregnancy has been rather stressful.  We have really had to Trust God during this pregnancy and I can't say it was easy.  I would like to share with you our experience.

A few weeks ago we went in for our 20 week ultrasound.  The ultrasound tech does a lot of measurements to make sure everything is normal.  The tech found that our babies nuchal skin fold thickness was over 6mm which automatically flags our baby for a higher risk for Downs Syndrome.  It changed our ratio from 1/900 to 1/50 because of this one Key marker. 

We went through a rush of emotions when the doctor explained our new ratios.  It was very hard to stay positive even though our odds were still 98% the baby was normal and 2% our baby had Downs.  After a long weekend of going through all the scenarios, we decided to do an Amino.  This procedure had risks, but we wanted to be prepared if indeed our baby had Downs Syndrome.

That following week I scheduled the Ammnio procedure.  This procedure requires a needle to be poked through my belly into the amniotic fluid.  Here they draw out about 20 cc's of fluid to be tested and a full chromosomal work up would be done.  This would give us a 100% answer on our babies health.  The procedure itself was uncomfortable but not painful and I left the clinic with a little band aid on my belly.

After about a week and half of waiting for the results.  The results showed everything was healthy and normal.  We are so Thankful for all the prayers and support we received while we waited to hear the results.  I am just happy that we can continue to enjoy this pregnancy until our little arrives.

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