Friday, December 24, 2010

Christmas Eve Morning

We woke up on Christmas Eve morning to several inches of snow.  Kaitlyn and mommy decided we should shovel off the deck and play in the snow before we headed to Bopapa's in the evening.
 Kaitlyn trying to maneuver through the deep snow in the backyard.  She dropped her shovel off the deck and had to go and retrieve it.  Mommy couldn't help because her snow pants no longer fit over her big belly!
 Cody digging for sticks!  He spent most of the time with his head buried in the snow looking for mulch or sticks.
 Kaitlyn getting ready to sled down the hill daddy made with all the snow we have gotten this winter.
 Kaitlyn climbing up the big snow hill!
 It's so sad to see our boat surrounded by snow under our deck!  Dreaming of a warm sunny day on the lake!
Kaitlyn loving to be outside and playing in the snow! 

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