Thursday, April 14, 2011

My Legs are Dead. I can't walk.

The other day Nate took Kaitlyn to the doctor.  She ended up having to get two antiboitic shots in her legs.  After the shots, she informed Nate that her legs were dead and she was unable to walk. 

When we got home she continued to state she was unable to walk and needed to be carried.  A few times I convinced her to walk while holding my hand.  The whole time she walked with her knees bent, hunched over, and made very small steps.  (She looked like a little old lady.)

The next day when she got up... she still insisted to be carried because she still couldn't walk.  At this point, Nate and I are not going to continue this game... and insisted she walk all by herself.  The first few attempts failed, while she cried and layed on the couch.  Finally, she slowly walked holding onto the couch and chair, until she realized she could walk.  Then she announces... "I can walk!!!"

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