Saturday, April 16, 2011

Our Little Boy is 2 Months Old

Time sure does fly by.  Gavin is 2 months old already.  It is so much fun to watch him grow and learn new things.  He loves to be held especially in the evening.  (He misses his mommy since she went back to work a few weeks ago.)  He has started to smile and giggle.  I have yet to hear him giggle, but my mom promises me that he does. 

His 2 months stats are:
Height - 22" - 25%
Weight - 9 lbs. 6oz. - 10%
Head - 15 1/4 - 25%

We are so happy that he is actually on the chart for height, unlike his sister who never made it on the charts until she was one.

 Gavin and his duck!   2 Months Old!
 Gavin not happy getting his picture taken next to the duck!
Happy 2 months to our little boy!

1 comment:

Hoffrooe said...

He is really adorable!