Sunday, April 24, 2011

Easter Weekend (Happy Birthday Mommy!)

Easter came late this year and landed on my birthday.  We had a great weekend with Nate's family in Mora.  It was our first trip as a family of four.  Here are some pictures from the weekend.

Great Grandma and Gavin.
Great Grandpa, Cousin Hailey, and Gavin

Saturday we went over to our friends Bruce and Belinda and had a Easter Egg hunt with all the cousins and their grandchildren.  The guys hid over 200 eggs all over their yard, so the kids had a blast trying to find them all.
Look I found one!

 All our friends. 

Cousin Gibson kissing Gavin!
 Kaitlyn coloring Easter eggs at Grandma and Grandpa's House.

We had a great Easter and I had a wonderful Birthday.

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