Friday, May 20, 2011

Kaitlyn Quote's and Conversations

Here are some of our conversations with Kaitlyn.

Kaitlyn likes to talk to strangers.  She loves talking to ladies at the checkout counters at stores, random parents and older children at the park.  The funny part about this is when we get together with friends she is shy for the first 10-20 minutes, but after that shyness period has worn off you can't get her to stop talking.

We were at the park getting ready to swing, when she kept wanting this lady to watch her swing.  At one point Kaitlyn told the lady... "Watch this... it will be amazing!"

The other morning while I was getting ready to breastfeed Gavin she asks:
"Is there a lot of milk in there mommy?"  I reply "Yes".
"Is the milk warm?"  I reply "Yes."
"Is there cold milk too?"  - I just laughed.

When Gavin first came home... Kaitlyn would ask me if I was going to feed Gavin with a bottle or my boobies.  If I responded... with my boobies... she would sigh and say "That will take forever!"

We found that time-outs are not as effective in our household, so we have gone to taking away her favorite things.  Right now it is her pillow pet.  The other evening as we were just about to give Kaitlyn her pillow pet back she decided not to listen... so we told her the pillow pet had to stay on-time out.  She shrugged her shoulders and in a sad voice said... "Maybe I will get it back tomorrow."

On frequent occasions she tells Nana that she has a "fabulous" idea.

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