Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Memorial Day Weekend

We went camping at South Isle Campground with Nate's family and good family friends.  There were 11 kids ranging from 3 months old to 7 years old.  Friday night we drove to Mora and spent the time because it was raining.  We didn't feel like unpacking all our stuff in the rain.  The weekend weather was a little chilly, but manageable.

Wally driving the train.

Taking the train around the campground.  We sent all Lori to handle all the kids.

Gavin relaxing during his first time camping!

Cousin Gibson! My favorite picture!

Cody relaxing while camping!

Cousin Darren fishing!

Aunty Mel helping fish with Kaitlyn and Darren.

Hailey was the only one to catch a fish for the fishing contest.

Kissing cousins!

All the kids minus Gavin who was sleeping.

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