Monday, May 16, 2011

Gavin - 3 Months Old

Today our Little Boy is 3 Months old.  He is growing so fast.  These last few weeks we have seen lots of changes in our little guy.  The biggest change is that he has finally moved into size 1 diapers and 0-3 months clothes.  He still can be a "high maintenance" little boy, but has been staying content for longer periods of time. 

 Kaitlyn and Gavin with the duck!

This week he has really started to "smile".  More so in the morning, but he does this cute big open mouth smile.  (I am hoping to get a picture of this soon.)  He has been sleeping longer periods at night.  We usually go to bed around 10:30 and he has slept until 5 or 6am a few times.  He loves being swaddled at night for bed.  We have started calling him our "little" piggy.  He will eat 5-6 oz in one feeding and than want more 2 hours later. 

He also has been focusing on more of his toys.  A few times he has actually moved or swatted at them.  He gets the biggest smile when he does.  I think he is amazed that he can actually control his arms and legs. 

Kaitlyn continues to be a big help with Gavin.  She likes to hold him and give him his nukie when he is crying.  There are times when asked to help get something... she just tells me "NO".

Gavin in Big Boy Clothes.  0-3 months.  He finally graduated out of Newborn.

Brother and Sister

Smiling Gavin!

This one's for Grandpa!

The other night Gavin was really fussy until Nate moved out of the chair and put him in the recliner by himself.  Nate and I sat on the couch the rest of the night!

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